Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How Do Wrinkles Develop?

How do wrinkles form and develop as people get older?

As the years go by, we notice our outer layer of the skin (epidermal cells) become thinner. The epidermal cells also become less sticky. Less collagen is produced in the dermal layer.

This means that the moisture on your skin easily escape which causes dryness. In other words, wrinkles appear and the skin begins to lose its firmness. The lastic fibers that keep the skin firm begin to loosen. These factors are big cause of saggy and dull skin. Winkles are also developed by facial expressions, such as smiling, laughing and frowning. In the fat layer, the fat cells get thinner and this also cause skin sagging and more wrinkles. That's how wrinkles develop.

When you are young, the moisturizing cream or lotion can take good care of your skin to slow down the aging process. But you will eventually come to a point where simply applying the moisturizer is not enough to keep your skin firm and smooth.

1 comment:

  1. wrinkles develop as your skin gets over stretched and also from your age. That's why it is normal to see people who apply
    anti wrinkle cream on there faces since some of them have many wrinkles even if they are still young.


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